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Why Companies Should Start Celebrating Millennials
Business needs to stop complaining about Millennials and start celebrating them. Here are two steps that can change your company’s perception of Millennials.
Chris Davis
Except from the article:
I attended a conference recently in which a main thread throughout was “the next-generation customer.” Two primary things disappointed me as the conference proceeded:
1. No presenter analyzing and postulating about the next generation of Millennial customers was, in fact, a Millennial. 2. The tone used to describe Millennial customers was always slightly negative and—perhaps unintentionally—condescending, with comments about why and how they are different, and with an overtone of criticism for their narcissism, laziness, impatience, disloyalty, demands for instant gratification and willingness to blast businesses on social media.
To read the remainder of the article, please visit CIO Insight.