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Episode 549

Pepsi's CIO on Effective Data & Digital Strategy

April 12, 2021
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About the Guest

Seth Cohen

Global CIO of PepsiCo
Seth Cohen is the senior vice president and chief information officer of PepsiCo, the snack food and beverage giant with annual revenues exceeding $70 billion. As CIO, Seth leads PepsiCo’s IT function across all business units. Prior to joining PepsiCo, Seth was the global group chief information officer at RB.

Episode Overview

549: Seth Cohen, the global CIO of PepsiCo, leads IT for one of the largest beverage companies in the world. In this interview, we discuss the main difference between digital and analog companies along with PepsiCo’s digital agenda. We discuss how data strategy has evolved over the past 5-10 years, and a bit about PepsiCo’s own data journey. Lastly, we discuss cross-cultural communications lessons Seth has learned from living all over the world, the benefits of an East to West innovation path, PepsiCo’s experience switching to an entirely remote workforce, among a variety of other topics.



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