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Episode 554

FedEx and FINRA CIOs on How Technology Drives Nimbleness

April 29, 2021
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About the Guest

Rob Carter & Steve Randich

EVP & CIO of FedEx, EVP & CIO of FINRA
Rob is the Executive Vice President of FedEx Information Services and the Chief Information Officer for FedEx. Rob has been in his role for more than two decades across his nearly 30 years with the Company. Steve is the Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer of FINRA, a non-governmental organization that regulates member brokerage firms and exchange markets, such as the New York Stock Exchange. Prior to joining FINRA, Steve held CIO roles at Citibank, NASDAQ, and The Chicago Stock Exchange.

Episode Overview

554: Rob Carter, the Executive Vice President of FedEx Information Services and the Chief Information Officer for FedEx, and Steve Randich, the Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer of FINRA, discuss the role of technology in creating a nimble enterprise. Rob shares the story of how technology that once provided FedEx with a competitive advantage had become outdated, and the massive effort the company undertook to overhaul and modernize its legacy technology. Meanwhile, Steve discusses the benefits of being an early adopter of the cloud, how FINRA is pushing up against the limits of Amazon Web Services, and FINRA’s use of advanced analytics and machine learning to better identify fraud and bad actors.



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