541: Sunny Gupta, the CEO of Apptio, has driven his company to become a market leader with significant scale. In this interview we discuss the Technology Business Management Council the company created and its strategic priorities, the four areas where technology business management plays a role today, and Sunny’s advice for those low on the transformation curve. We discuss why there is no separation between the business and IT anymore, how Apptio integrates with other platforms to create a central financial technology decision engine, and Apptio’s experience going public and then going private. Lastly, we discuss four acquisitions the company has made in recent times, some of the emerging technologies Sunny has his eye on, and a variety of other topics.
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540: Paola Arbour has more than 30 years of experience leading and transforming IT organizations. In this interview, we discuss the cultural transformation she’s driving at Tenet Healthcare and why skill sets are more important than titles. Paola also shares tips for effectively managing change, and she discusses the importance of having a culture of innovation, rather than a program of innovation, among a variety of other topics.
Video interview available on YouTube:
539: Daniela Rus, the director of MIT CSAIL, imagines a future where robots are so integrated in the fabric of human life that they become as common as smart phones are today. In this interview, we discuss some of the many examples in which robotics and AI have been used in new ways during the pandemic, why AI is most effective when people and machines work together, and some of the ways AI will positively impact our lives in the future. We also discuss why we should think of AI as interns and humans as the ones who make the important decisions, the state of autonomous vehicles and the work Daniela’s team is doing in that field, among a variety of other topics.
538: Atticus Tysen, CIO/CISO of Intuit, discusses the importance of aligning technology strategy with business strategy and how having a strategic framework facilitates organizational agility. We also discuss how Atticus balances innovation with security in his role as CIO and CISO, how technology creates new opportunities for the business, among other topics.
537: Timothy Kasbe, the president of Zoho, discusses why Zoho has decided to stay private and the freedom and long-term outlook the company has as a result, and how Zoho banks everyone’s salaries for three to five years. We cover Zoho Schools of Learning, and why IT needs to move away from being a function that supports the business to being one that drives the business. We discuss why Timothy decided to get a Divinity School degree, why he believes in the need to engage religious communities in science and math, lessons he has learned in cross cultural communication from living all over the world, among a variety of other topics.
536: Maryfran Johnson, the host of CIO Leadership Live on CIO.com has had a non-traditional pathway to covering chief information officers. In this interview, we discuss why technology leaders should not look to align with the business but instead look to accelerate it and how CIOs are no longer fighting for a seat at the leadership table, but working towards keeping that seat. We also discuss Maryfran’s take on CIO board leadership, including some common factors of CIOs who make it onto boards. She also covers the benefits to companies who have CIOs on their boards, lessons CIOs can take from a board back into their home organization, her advice for CIOs looking to join boards, among a variety of other topics.
535: S&P Global EVP & Global CIO Swamy Kocherlakota discusses
Among a variety of other topics.
534: National Grid Group Chief Information & Digital Officer Andi Karaboutis discusses
Watch on YouTube:
533: GAP chief information officer and head of strategy Sally Gilligan discusses
532: In this interview, we dive into several of the book’s themes, including People and Technology. Cynthia shares insight into how she motivates her team, and how robotic process automation can boost morale by automating repetitive tasks. We also discuss Adobe’s journey to become a cloud-native company, the ways in which enterprise architecture can impact culture, and a variety of other topics.