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Episode 564

Michael Lewis' Latest Best Seller Chronicles the U.S. Government's Pandemic Response

June 3, 2021
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About the Guest

Michael Lewis

Author of "The Premonition: A Pandemic Story"
Michael Lewis is a best-selling author with books including Liar’s Poker, Moneyball, The Blind Side, The Big Short, and The Undoing Project. In addition to writing, Michael moderates a podcast titled Against the Rules. His most recent book is The Premonition: A Pandemic Story, a tale of how a group of medical professionals and scientists uncovered the U.S. government’s inability to manage the pandemic despite being ranked as the best-prepared country in the world for a pandemic at the beginning of 2020. The book’s protagonists managed to push the government toward a modicum of progress from behind the scenes.

Episode Overview

564: In this interview, we discuss The Premonition and how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention evolved into an organization ill equipped to manage a pandemic. Michael shares anecdotes from the interviews he conducted and how the problems that the pandemic wrought began long before the Trump Administration. We also discuss how he developed the stories for his book, what his career as an author is like between books and a variety of other topics.



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