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Episode 594

AMD CTO Mark Papermaster on Driving Exponential Growth in Computing

September 16, 2021
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About the Guest

Mark Papermaster

Chief Technology Officer and EVP of Technology and Engineering at AMD
Mark Papermaster is the Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President of Technology and Engineering at AMD, a roughly $10 billion revenue company based in Austin, Texas. In that role, Mark is responsible for corporate technical direction and product development. He has been with the company for nearly a decade and is responsible for bringing the company’s compute technology to market and leveraging it for internal use.

Episode Overview

594: In this interview, Mark Papermaster, Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President of Technology and Engineering at AMD, focuses on the acceleration of compute technology and fostering a culture of innovation within AMD. Mark provides a background on the responsibilities in his role as both CTO and EVP as well as insight into how his team at AMD collaborates and works as it innovates new products. Mark discusses where he attributes the source of the company’s impressive value creation over the years, the importance of a culture based on open communication, problem-solving, and what he calls “creative contention”, and how that culture allows AMD to recruit top talent. Finally, Mark talks about how AMD uses being the first user of its technology to develop better products and some of the tech trends he is excited about.


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