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Episode 463

Microsoft CTO Kevin Scott

June 22, 2020
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About the Guest

Kevin Scott

CTO of Microsoft
Kevin Scott is the Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President of Technology & Research of Microsoft, one of the world’s most valuable companies with revenues exceeding $125 billion annually. As CTO, Kevin is focused on helping make Microsoft an exceptional place for engineers, developers, and researchers to work and learn. Kevin is also the author of the book Reprogramming The American Dream, which focuses on the future of artificial intelligence and how it can be used to serve humanity. Prior to joining Microsoft, Kevin was the SVP of engineering and operations at LinkedIn.

Episode Overview

In this interview, we discuss Kevin’s upbringing in rural Virginia and why he felt he had to leave his hometown to pursue opportunity, how people can have successful careers by using sophisticated technological tools without having to move to technology hubs like Silicon Valley, Kevin’s thoughts on improving technology knowledge and expertise, the importance of teaching kids technology, how COVID-19 will make distance learning and working more prevalent, how AI and ML can be used for positive benefit with healthcare applications, such as disease detection, why everyone must play a role in shaping technologies future, not just a select privileged few, Scott’s take on synthetic biology, among other topics.

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