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Ken Venner, Executive Vice President, Corporate Services, and Chief Information Officer of Broadcom

November 7, 2011
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About the Guest

Ken Venner

Executive Vice President, Corporate Services, and Chief Information Officer of Broadcom

Episode Overview

Among other topics, Ken discusses the following issues with Metis Strategy:
  • Ken’s broad and tenured role at Broadcom, trying to ensure that both IT and corporate services are “like air”- there and ready to use in plenty, without the need to think about it
  • The challenge and blessing of working with such a large percentage of technically savvy stakeholders, which necessitates that he be innovative while also managing the pace of change
  • Ken’s “walk-crawl-run” approach to collaboratively prototyping solutions to demonstrate value, rather than relying on a drawn out waterfall cycle than may deliver an outdated product
  • Being “stractical”: maintain the balance between strategic and tactical by mastering the fundamentals and earning credibility before seeking out “strategic” work
  • Broadcom’s acquisitive nature and how IT enables successful transactions by ensuring that companies are integrated within six months
  • Eye on the trends: Consumerization of IT and the potential opportunities and risk that creates for CIOs, the prevalence of video for content delivery and enabling collaboration, the concept of in-house IT professionals getting out of the infrastructure business (and Cloud Computing, SaaS, etc.), and how IT security is under-emphasized in a world where Intellectual Property can move so easily

Ken Venner’s Biography

Ken is the Executive Vice President, Corporate Services and Chief Information Officer of Broadcom Corporation, a designer and developer of semiconductors for wired and wireless communications.  He has held the CIO title since August of 2000. Ken is responsible for providing a “Like Air” working environment for the employees of Broadcom, referring to IT being up and available like air. His purview includes Real Estate, Construction, Facilities, Security, Travel, Administrative Services, and all business systems, computing and telecommunications infrastructure.

Prior to his time at Broadcom, Ken served as Vice President of Product Management and Chief Information Officer of Rockwell Electronic Commerce. Prior to that, Ken held a number of information sciences and information technology management positions for over 11 years at Lucent Technologies and AT&T Bell Laboratories.

Ken received a B.E. from the Stevens Institute of Technology, an M.E. from Carnegie Mellon University and an M.B.A. from New Hampshire College.

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