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Episode 398

Zoom CIO Harry Moseley

June 17, 2019
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About the Guest

Harry Moseley

CIO of Zoom
Harry Moseley is the Chief Information Officer of Zoom Video Communications, a profitable unicorn turned public company as of a couple of weeks ago. As CIO, Harry is responsible for strategic planning, creating business value for the company through technology innovation, and for ensuring that Zoom’s technology platforms are enabling and supporting the company’s goals. Prior to Zoom, Harry was the CIO of KPMG and of the Blackstone Group prior to that. He had planned on retiring but was lured back into the CIO role given Zoom’s stellar reputation and an unparalleled opportunity in his mind.

Episode Overview

398: Zoom CIO Harry Moseley discusses how collaboration needs are changing with new generations. Millennials and Generation Z make up about a third of the global population, and since these generations have grown up in a digital world, they have different expectations regarding how they collaborate in their personal, academic, and professional lives. We also discuss Harry’s view on artificial intelligence and 5G, his experience on the board of Rewards Network, his time as the first ever CIO of Zoom and his first experience as a CIO of a technology company, as well as a variety of other topics.

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