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Episode 382


February 25, 2019
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Diana McKenzie

CIO of Workday
Diana is the Chief Information Officer of Workday. As CIO, Diana oversees the company’s global information technology organization, with responsibility for the internal deployment of Workday products as well as other innovative technologies and programs. Diana is also focused on data analytics and and workday’s culture. Prior to joining Workday, Diana was the CIO of Amgen.


382: Workday CIO Diana McKenzie discusses the importance of understanding how the customer experiences the company’s product and the competitors’ products. Diana notes that CIOs have a unique opportunity to collaborate with customers, hear their feedback regarding what they hope to see from their products, and bring those insights back to the company. To better understand the product, the company has rolled out a Workday-on-Workday program, where IT is the first user of Workday’s product. This allows Diana’s function to influence how the product evolves and enables Workday to ensures that their product strategy always reflects what the marketplace is likely to need most. We also discuss Diana’s experience serving on a public board, the employee engagement survey Workday has rolled out, Workday’s acquisition of Adaptive Insights, among other topics.

“Our role is to see and improve how the business runs, which is why I am fond of the business technology [BT] label for my function. I believe that the business technology element has helped us differentiate the value we bring. Because we can see across, we see where there are opportunities to connect teams, data, and ideas."

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