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Episode 644

Dollar General CIO Carman Wenkoff on Balancing E-Commerce with In-Store Experiences

March 10, 2022
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About the Guest

Carman Wenkoff

Chief Information Officer of Dollar General
Carman is the Chief Information Officer of Dollar General, an 82-year-old retailer with roughly 18,000 outlets across the United States and roughly 160,000 employees. As an executive at a company that serves a community with limited budgets, Carman's story is an inspiring one of using technology to make each customer's experience with Dollar General easier. Carman is a seasoned technology executive, having spent time as a CIO and CDO of Subway prior to his current post.

Episode Overview

644: Carman discusses the restructuring of IT’s vision to provide a better customer experience for Dollar General. Carman shares what this vision for IT looks like and how he has used it to develop scale at the company. He also goes over Dollar General’s digital strategy and app-based technologies to serve its customers. Finally, Carman gives his perspective on how modernization and advancements in technology have provided him a better toolkit for finding efficiencies, how his legal background has informed his view as CIO, and what tech trends are on his radar for the future.


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