- Multi-Billon Dollar Skin Care Company
Skincare client’s IT organization struggled to plan for and prioritize projects in line with the strategic objective of the business.
A top selling skincare company was growing so quickly that they struggled to scale their IT Strategic Governance and Portfolio Management capabilities. As a result, IT and the business rarely consulted each other which led to projects being completed in siloes with limited resources and visibility. In order to maintain its position as a leader in skincare and digital products, this company reached out to Metis Strategy to improve their IT Strategic Governance process and to ensure IT and the various business units were delivering value for the organization.
Create a repeatable, scalable Strategic Governance process that ensures collaboration between IT and the business throughout a project lifecycle.
Metis Strategy set out to create a repeatable and scalable process to ensure the organization was making the right investments aligned to the strategic direction of the organization.
A bolstered Strategic Governance process enabled the organization to deliver projects on time, on budget, with faster time to market.
Communication between IT and the business increased as projects were brought to the Strategic Governance Board at ideation and continued to be monitored with IT-business touchpoints which led to: