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Amy Jen Su On Being The Leader You Want To Be

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Amy Jen Su is an executive coach to CEOs and other executives to “
to sustain and scale their “highest and best” as they lead organizational change and transformation.” She has codified some of her recommendations from her work in her new book, The Leader You Want to Be: Five Essential Principles to Bringing Out Your Best Self. The five essential principles are purpose, process, people, presence, and peace. In this interview, she offers a definition of each, and how each applies to leaders. She also describes how she has used these same principles in her own work as a busy executive in her own right. (To read future articles like this one, please follow me on Twitter @PeterAHigh.)

Peter High: What led you to write your book, The Leader You Want to Be?

Amy Jen Su: The current environment and challenges facing leaders today led me to write The Leader You Want to Be. Organizational life has become increasingly complicated as work now spans across the globe and technology disruption has created an increased velocity and pace.

Being out in the trenches every day, I hear professionals share how there are never enough hours in the day, there are more people to align and influence, and the pressure to succeed is higher than ever.

It felt like the right time to synthesize everything I have learned on what it takes to scale and sustain a best self even when your outer game is changing, moving or getting more complex.